ABR is the recommened way to stream live video over internet. With ABR, you send a single configured stream to our server. The server detects the bandwidth availability of each connected viewer and automatically transcodes the broadcast into multiple bitrates that is appropriate for each user's respective internet speed. ABR automatically corrects bandwidth and ensure the viewer is able to continuously view the live content without buffering.
Live streaming can be viewed on Desktop,Android,Ios & Blackberry without apps. Supported protocols RTMP/RTSP/HLS/HDS/DASH. Push Streams at SD, HD, FULL HD and 4K streams with upto 25mpbs. Push a single stream and we will live transcode it to muliple stream quality Stream to Youtube & Facebook simultaneously from VSTREAM.ONLINE
Adaptive streaming for changing network bandwidth. Active Darshan - IP Camera Adaptive streaming. We offer live tv services for teleivision channels..For detials contact : +91 9894269875. For trail Email us on : info@vstream.online